Sunday, March 06, 2005


America obviously exports much of its creations overseas, and Australia is no exception. By some strange mysterious force, Target arrived here before Ikea and of course, Starbucks, Borders, et al. have landed as well. But nothing is more prevalent than those businesses which symbolize America's obsession with lousy food: KFC, McDonald's, TGI Friday's (brutal), Pizza Hut, and Subway (which is everywhere). Needless to say, as in America, Australians are struggling with an epidemic of obesity. This is somewhat disturbing given Australia's international reputation for having an active, sporty populace. Lately, however, it seems activity is declining, and television has been implicated (and once again, programming is largely U.S. in origin), but of course this is simply a symptom of a general move toward more sedentary lifestyles. If I were Australian, I'd be demanding that the U.S. subsidize a national nutrition and exercise program for Australia. Australia has sent their military support to every major conflict in which the U.S. has been involved over the past century, and to show its thanks, the U.S. sends Australia TGI Friday's, supersized value meals, and reruns of CSI.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Subway... they have a new Wild Alaskan Salmon sangwich which is, to use BP argot, "the BOMB."
