Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Today marked day 2 at CSIRO. These appear to be times of change for my division. CSIRO Atmospheric Research will be merging with CSIRO Marine Research this summer, leading to a number of institutional issues and all round chaos at some levels. Meanwhile, a freak storm last week fried the computer network here leading to various, persistent problems, and about the time I walked through the door a main water pipe ruptured. So perhaps I could have picked a better day to start. . .

That said, the facility itself is quite nice - no complaints about the office space (once I was able to find it without getting lost), other than the fact that most of the contents of my old office are sitting in customs somewhere in Australia. There are about 110+ scientists working here - quite a change from the cozy environment of the Pew Center. I gave up on trying to remember names about 30 seconds after I arrived.

The best part - tea! That's right, everyone breaks for tea at 10:30am. Isn't that cool!? Plus, there are various groups that get together during lunch for soccer, volleyball, etc. Oh, and it's quite clear that there really isn't any dress code whatsoever. Sweet!! I could certainly get used to this.

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