Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Butter and the Metric System

They don't have 8.5x11 sheets of paper in Australia (it's more like 8.25x11.5), and my computer now asks for me to set margins in cm rather than inches. Not to mention that all the filing cabinets are too wide for my file folders, but they're still being held hostage in customs somewhere, so I guess I don't have to worry about just yet. In any case, I can't get anything done, because I'm constantly being tripped up by these unbelieveably tiny details, which I just can't overlook.

Similarly, I spent a good ten minutes in the grocery store last night looking at the various brands of butter, desperately concerned that I would end up with some low-cal, soy-derived crap or (even worse) some low-budget/discount brand that would make me the object of ridicule in the check-out line and mark me as some unemployed low-life with bad taste.


Anonymous said...

Das klingt, als haettest Du Spass "in the land of OZ" :) Immerhin siehst Du jetzt mal, wie es mir in den USA geht... Viele Gruesse aus Muenchen von Deiner Schwaegerin katrin.

Anonymous said...

Re: Bad Taste

You do like Bad Brains and a shocking amount of Jersey club anthems.
