Monday, March 12, 2007

Australia Unlimited

I took part in the Global Foundatin's Australia Unlimited Roundatable last week, which gave me the opportunity to hear opposition leader Kevin Rudd speak (a man, by the way, who appears poised to knock Howard and the Liberal party out of Canberra), mix with various corporate leaders from around the nation, and meet Victoria's governor,Professor David de Kretser (which subsequently caused me to go look up what it is that the governor does. . .).

Best of all, I finally managed to get a media quote that makes me sound half-way reasonable on climate change as opposed to predicting the end of the world and other such apocolyptic stuff that is often attributed to my name:

"A CSIRO scientist who works on climate impact, Ben Preston, told the roundtable that while those attending had been asked to consider the environment and trade as potentially conflicting forces, the real way to consider them is to regard them as being allied, for example, as a potential market in Asia for Australian technologies that can control pollution and help promote sustainable growth."

Sweet. . .


GoodToBeWithYou said...

"Australian technologies that can control pollution and help promote sustainable growth"..

Such as?

Smart wheelie bins that wirelessly transmit weight of contained rubbish and automatically increment rates' notices?
Rhetoric detectors in Corporate Mission Statements?
Seriously, what is the good oil on this Ben?


BP said...

Well, that's the point. To actually contribute something to its own econoimc sustainability, Australia has to be exporting something the rest of the world wants. But to contribute something to global environmental sustainability, that something has to be something other than coal. Does the nation have that capacity? Yes, I beleive it does. Is it likely to deploy that capacity to any effect on any relevant time-scale. Unlikely.