Thursday, March 22, 2007

Oxfam Trailwalker

As I write this, Uta and the rest of Tab Sportsbet Team 226 are headed to the starting line of Melbourne's Oxfam Trailwalker. Over the next 24 hours, the team of four will trek 100 km across the hills and dales of suburban Melbourne. It promises to be a hot one, with temperatures currently 28C at 6:00am, rising to 33C, before cooling off (and raining) tonight. I'll be catching up with the team and the rest of the support crew later tonight. . . certainly should be some stories out of this one.

UPDATE 24/7/07, 16:46: Mission Accomplished! After approximately 28 hours (including 23 hours of walk time), team 226 crossed the finish line. There were highs and lows, tears and cheers. They faced boiling temperatures and driving rain. They overcame hunger, fatigue, sunburn, and blisters. They're sleepy and sore (and their feet look like objects your neighbor's dog drags under the porch and chews on), but proud.

Additional photos are available at Edouard's blog.

1 comment:

theBUG said...

I wish you all the best, good luck in the trailwalker event and enjoy the fun.

Am Toto Lozano from the Philippines, an Oxfam IYP Action Partner for 2004.

Keep rockin' guys. It's for a good cause.

Please do visit see how you can bring peace by building homes.

Thanks a lot.
