Sunday, October 01, 2006

Grand Finals

It was Grand Final weekend once again, with the AFL final on Saturday at the MCG in Melbourne and the Rugby League final at Telstra Stadium in Sydney. We "watched" Sydney and West Coast contend for the AFL final at the home of Quigley Down Under in Brunswick, which involved half time antics where I had to compete in a race to drag a bottle cap across a patio with a potato on a string. Don't know who came up with the sport, but I won handily. I've finally found my calling. Oh, and West Coast won the final, by 1 point - a nail biter.

We also stumbled upon the game of Kubb - originally Swedish in origin, this quaint past time essentially involves knocking over blocks of wood by throwing sticks at them. Simple but elegant.

Melbourne faced Brisbane for the Rugby League final on Sunday - Melbourne lost, despite being the favorites. But then, it's just rugby. . .

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