Friday, December 14, 2007

Congratulations UNFCCC

In 1992, Article II of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change committed the world (both developed and developing countries alike)to "stabilisation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere." Granted, that left a bit of work in regard to figuring out what that goal means and how to achieve it. But, here we are 25 years later and what did our world leaders agree to at the Bali conference? A recognition that commitments to reductions need to be made, but no actual agreement on the size of those reductions or an actual commitment. 25 years of diplomacy and all the world has to show is a continued agreement that emissions need to be reduced (somehow), but very little in the way of actual actions to make such reductions. A US commitment to emissions reductions is perhaps just one Presidential election away, but that would still leave the big emitters in the developing world reluctant to come to the party. 50% reductions in emissions by 2050? That'll be the day. . .

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