Tuesday, November 27, 2007

On the Banks of the Mighty Murray

What do Victorians do while Americans get all soft chowing down on Turkey for Thanksgiving? Well, if they're in JKA, they go and spent the weekend at the annual Mildura Gasshuku. The weather was more favourable than last year, with temperatures peaking at only 28 as opposed to 38 (but the flies were there again to torment us).

After struggling with last year's drive from Melbourne to Mildura, I opted to wing it this time around, trading a six hour drive for a one hour flight. This gave me the opportunity to see the great line in the sand from above, and by that I mean the line where dryland agriculture (or attempts at it) in northern Victoria stops and irrigated agriculture starts. The contrast is quite striking - one massive brown band snuggled up next to a lush green one (as long as the Murray keeps flowing).

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