Monday, April 23, 2007

Granny Got a Gun

With the shootings on the VA Tech campus now a week behind us, America's fair and balanced media outlets have apparently been in search of a "positive" gun story. What'd they find? A comical yarn about a little old lady (and former Miss America to boot) who put two caps in the wheel of an escape car, allowing police to capture would-be thieves. Yes, yes, another demonstration of how guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens is a strong deterrent of crime. We should give guns to all of America's elderly to ensure they never become defenseless victims. Yet it's a bit comical that the Constitution doesn't guarantee an old duffer the right to continue driving his car after frailty and dementia set-in, but it does guarantee that same old duffer the right to blaze away with a handgun. And they call that security?

Article can be found here, and a light-hearted video here.

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