Thursday, October 13, 2005

Road Warrior

On Monday, our division hosted a seminar on oil depletion. In a nutshell, oil production (if you haven't already heard) is anticipated to peak in the next 2-10 years, and so those high oil prices you've been experiencing lately are unlikely to go away anytime soon (i.e., ever).

In reflecting upon this, some of us started joking about the need to start hoarding oil, and the chaos that would reign as individuals fought over the precious liquid. But there was something oddly familiar about this idea. . .And then it hit me - the Road Warrior. It was prophetic. Post-apocalyptic Australians doing battle on the open road for the last few drops of petrol. It doesn't seem like such a far-fetched idea anymore.

And in case you think this is hyperbole, one of my colleagues informed me today that license plate thefts are on the rise. Due to high gas prices, people are stealing plates, putting them on their cars, driving into gas stations, and stealing gas. With the stolen plates, the theft can't be easily traced back. Law and order is already starting to crumble. It's only a matter of time before Max gets mad. And you know what happens then. . .

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