Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Acccording to Elizabeth Wingo, chief of the criminal section in the Washington, D.C. Attorney General's Office, individuals will be prosecuted for drunk driving, regardless of blood alcohol level.

Wingo has stated "We have zero tolerance for drunk driving. It doesn't matter what your blood alcohol level is," Wingo said.

So in an attempt to reduce drunk driving, Washington DC is now arresting people for just plain driving. Not since Minority Report has such an effective crime prevention tool been implemented (but then that was just fiction). Were it not for the foresight of Washington's finest, scores of sober DC residents would be left free to roam the streets, with some of them undoubtedly ending up, perhaps, in a bar, party, restaurant, or club where they would likely (maybe) consume alcohol and thus, possibly, drive drunk. Thank you metro police for stopping these dreadful crimes before they could have taken place (or not).

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