Friday, July 15, 2005

La La Land

Thursday night the "early career scientists" of CSIRO met up at La La Land in Pran. All new staff in Atmospheric Research have been on the young side (relatively), and at this point, there are about 10 of us and more are arriving every month, creating a new cadre of colleagues. Thursday night marked our first collective outing. La Land was the rallying point, where we spent an hour or two before trying to track down a restaurant in the neighborhood that could seat all of us. We did a few laps up and down Chapel Street before negotiating space in a place called Tusk. A good time was had by all (although the waitress forgot Ian's order, a mistake that was eventually corrected with Ian receiving a free beer), and we managed to go through the evening without discussing science or climate and "modeling" only came up once (but only as a pun).


Anonymous said...

Now Ben, you cannot temp your audience like that with such a mention of a modeling pun. Do tell--what was it? I'm imagining something along the lines of "Man look at that waitress...something tells me she's done some modeling--but not as it pertains to climate change and its impact on southern-hemisphere precipitation in aquatic habitats, if you catch my drift hardee-har-har!"

BP said...

OK, if you must know. . .

I think I was making some cynical comment re: the modest earnings of scientists to the effect of "I'm just doing this until my modeling career takes off". To which, Tony replied, "I always thought you were more into [climate] observations than modeling". Groan. . .

Subsequent to this, Ian shared a joke he used to use - when asked his area of research, he'd say "climate and [narcissistically running his fingers through his hair] modeling." He said no one ever got the joke, much to his disappointment.

Yes, this is the best we can do. . .

Anonymous said...

Ha. Not bad. Reminds me of when my high school Chem teacher used to torture us with his favorite nerd joke: he'd draw a benzene molecule (?) on the board and then, at the top, attach a Mercedes peace sign thing.

The result...drumroll please...