Sunday, April 10, 2005

Honeymoon Over!

On my way home from work Friday, I ventured into my friendly neighborhood bottle shop to pick up a six-pack of beer. I picked up a pack of Coopers and was quite pleased when the label underneath read $2.80. "What a wonderful country," I thought. Upon arriving at the cash register, however, I learned that $2.80 referred to the price for each bottle in the six-pack, for a grand total of $16.80. Talk about shock and awe. I placed many furious curses upon this country as I walked the rest of the way home, but had largely calmed down by the time I got home and made my way through half of those alarmingly high priced beers. I've since found a much better deal at the local Liquorland - $12.00. Glad I'm not a binge drinking frat guy anymore - I'd go broke. This is the only place I've been where it costs just as much to stay at home and drink as it does to go out.

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